Sunday, May 20, 2012

Introducing "Beautiful You" by J and B Photography

I have been working on this line for quite some time now.  Lots of things had to come together to put it all together.  I found 2 amazing ladies to help me in this venture.  The first is Joy Sakolsky of Via Mia Spa.  She does amazing make up and skin care.  The second is Meghann.  She does a wonderful job styling hair and is an absolute riot.  
Why "Beautiful You"?  I love taking beautiful pictures.  But all of us photographers love to that.  This adventure all started when I was watching some videos and came across some by Sue Bryce.  What an inspiration she is.   The following quote on CreateLive was what struck the cord for me. 
“I don’t want to photograph anybody famous, I want to photograph Sandra from Canada and Amanda from Florida…I want to photograph any woman in the world who’s ever looked in the mirror and not felt good about herself at any time in her life. I want to photograph her every year through the changes of her teenage life, through her 20s, through her 30s, through her 40s, through her 50s, and as she flowers into her most beautiful-ness. I want to photograph her every year of her life to watch and celebrate the changes of who she is and what she is, so she can experience how she looks to other people”.  Sue Bryce 

I am that women.  I think that is why I prefer being behind the camera.  That will change very soon.  I want women to feel fabulous about themselves.  You are Beautiful. You deserve to take a few hours to pamper yourself, relax, and feel like a million dollars.  That is what I want to do.  I want to help women's self esteem one click at a time.  That is how "Beautiful You" was born.  One inspirational women and my crazy desire to help my fellow women.  

Women lead busy lives, and this is also an excuse we use to not pamper ourselves.  There is also a child's game or practice to attend, work, dinner needs to be made, laundry, dishes, etc, etc.   When was the last time you had profession portraits taken of just You?  Senior Year?  Your Wedding day?  You deserve 3 hours!  In those three hours you will be pampered with hair and make-up.  Your only worry during that time should be - What should I have to drink?  After your make over time, I will spend 2-3 hours with you creating fabulous portraits for you.  You are beautiful - I can see it, and I can capture all of your wonderfulness!  So no more excuses!  Call me to book your session.  

Here are a couple of images from my last session.  These women are just like you and me.  One is a mom of 2, is employed full-time, a wife, and is also going to school.  The other fabulous women is a mother of three, a grandmother several times over, employed full time, and just turned 60!  She is an amazing women.  I included a before picture also because I wanted you to see that these are "real" women.  



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